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===Early History===
===Early History===
Following the defeat of the [[Anglars]], Fox and the rest of the [[Star Fox Team]] vote to disband the squadron following, with Fox, immediately upon destroying the Anglars, departing the [[Great Fox]] forever and meeting Krystal again on [[Sauria]], intending to re-build the relationship he ended due to Fox forcing Krystal to leave the team due to his fears for her safety. Krystal accepted Fox's advances, and they soon married and settled down to a quiet life. The rest of the Star Fox team went their own ways as well.
Following the defeat of the [[Anglar]]s, Fox and the rest of the [[Star Fox Team]] vote to disband the squadron following, with Fox, immediately upon destroying the Anglars, departing the [[Great Fox]] forever and meeting Krystal again on [[Sauria]], intending to re-build the relationship he ended due to Fox forcing Krystal to leave the team due to his fears for her safety. Krystal accepted Fox's advances, and they soon married and settled down to a quiet life. The rest of the Star Fox team went their own ways as well.

At some point, Fox and Krystal had Marcus. In terms of appearance, Marcus physically appears much like his father, and inherits his strong sense of leadership, though inherits his mother's blue fur & eyes (and possibly her telepathy). Marcus was raised by his parents, becoming a "fine young pup", and they enjoy a happy life together.
At some point, Fox and Krystal had Marcus. In terms of appearance, Marcus physically appears much like his father, and inherits his strong sense of leadership, though inherits his mother's blue fur & eyes (and possibly her telepathy). Marcus was raised by his parents, becoming a "fine young pup", and they enjoy a happy life together.