Star Fox Wii

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Star Fox Wii is the unofficial name of the upcoming Starfox game for Wii which will be called "Star Fox Frontiers".


The game will also feature new weapons and vehicles;

  • Landmasters: It has improved armor, and also has a co-pilot seat for a rotating turret.
  • H. Launcher: It can launch two missiles.
  • Grenades: There are three new types; subspace implosion, sticky grenade and spread grenade.
  • Machine Gun: It has a larger clip and has a longer barrel.
  • Blaster: It's appearance has been changed to look more like a hand pistol.
  • There is new personal armor upgrades.
  • There are now space suits (to jump out of the Arwing in space) that last two minutes.
  • There is also a Devastator Beam Rifle; which is 2x more powerful than current weapons.
  • All vehicles can cloak.
  • New co-op play is now included.
  • New cheats (e.g. for melee combat etc.)