Lylat Wiki:Corneria/2010-04-10

Revision as of 02:36, 24 August 2010 by Tacopill (talk | contribs)
This is a wiki-wide discussion page from the date of 2010-04-10.
Please only comment here after reading Lylat Wiki:Corneria.

Branches of Administration

I was looking around bulbapedia yesterday, and noticed that they isolated the power to propose policy into a legislative branch, that , "senior staff at Bulbagarden feel that an official voice is needed to have a final say in issues and disputes; to put their feet down, so to speak". After Thinking about it for some time, I thought this might work well for us.

Which is what i am doing now. Keep in mind this is only a draft. None of this has to be approved, or even discussed, until later on. I just hope it doesn't get lost in the wiki. Please Place your comments in the #comments area, in order to allow the bylaws to be separated.

Draft Bylaws

There shall be 2 equal branches to the governance of Lylat Wiki.

Legislative Branch

The first, given legislative powers of policies and guidelines, is made up of 1 representative from each Wikiproject. Whom this representative is, is chosen exclusively by the Wikiproject team itself. Each representative is given 1 vote, and serves a 1-year term. This body shall be called " Cornerian Editorial Council", or CEC.

Decisions of the CEC are decided by a Simple Majority, with the Chair voting only in the event of a Tie. All decisions of the CEC are then sent to the Administration for Review, and are subject to approval by Signature(s) or disapproval by Veto.

CEC records shall be in a print form, whether it be on the wiki or in some kind of forum. There should be no decisions made by the CEC outside the public eye, and without substantial time for comments from regular members, in a manner such as a Chat, IM, email, etc. This however, doesn't prohibit drafts being made, being kept private until they are ready for viewing.

Executive Branch

The second branch, given Executive Powers such as executing policies, is invested in the Administration. The Administration is made up of trusted editors, who have shown outstanding dedication to the wiki, good editing habits, helped settle disputes, and other good community and external relations.

The administration is divided in 3 levels, each given specific powers over the wiki, and each serving a specific term.

Additional Details
  • All members of this branch Shall be considered Patrollers, given ability to patrol, and all Patrollers shall be considered part of this branch, regardless of the level they are on.


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