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Bandai Namco

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This article only covers the Star Fox-related information of Bandai Namco.
For more general info, please check out this article on Wikipedia.
Bandai Namco
Founded June 1st, 1955
Employees 900
Website http://bandainamcoent.com/
On other wikis
Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., formerly named Bandai Namco Games Inc., is a video game publisher based in Japan that creates and publishes arcade, mobile, and console games. Bandai Namco was founded in 2006 upon the merger of the video game divisions of both Bandai and Namco.

Star Fox games created

Bandai Namco has created two Star Fox related games in its lifetime; a main series game by Namco before the merger, and a fighting game starring Fox and Falco.


  • When Star Fox: Assault was announced, an arcade version called Star Fox Arcade was also announced to be in development. However, it has never been mentioned since its initial announcement, and it is assumed to have been cancelled.
Developers: Nintendo EADArgonaut SoftwareRareNamcoQ-Games
Publishers: Nintendo