Welcome to the Lylat Wiki, all about the Star Fox series! If you'd like to help out, please take a look at our community portal.

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From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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411 bytes added ,  01:18, 28 October 2018
more (again)
(more (again))
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*{{t|Star Fox}}
*{{t|Star Fox 64}}
*{{t|Star Fox 64 3D}}
*{{t|Star Fox 2}}
*{{t|Star Fox Adventures}}
*{{t|Star Fox: Assault}}
*{{t|Star Fox Command}}
*{{t|Super Smash Bros.}}
*{{t|Super Smash Bros. Melee}}
*{{t|Super Smash Bros. Brawl}}
*{{t|Star Fox Team}}
*{{t|Star Fox Team}}
*{{t|Star Wolf Team}}
*{{t|Star Wolf Team}}
Line 125: Line 135:
== File sourcing ==
* {{t|GameScreenShotSourceCitation}}
* {{t|BoxArtSourceCitation}}
* {{t|CharacterArtSourceCitation}}
* {{t|MusicSourceCitation}}
* {{t|FanArtCitation}}

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[[Category:Lylat Wiki]]


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