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'''Emperor Anglar''' (アングラー皇帝, Angurā Kōtei) is the leader of the [[Anglar]] race, and the primary antagonist of [[Star Fox Command]] attacking [[Corneria]] shortly after the [[Aparoid]]s were destroyed. Originating on [[Venom]], he appears as a final boss for several missions, and pilots a large serpent-like creature. In some of the final missions, he becomes a very large angler fish, capable of taking the player's ship into his mouth. His four cronies are Zako (Corneria), [[Zazan]] (Corneria), Zoldge (Solar), and [[Octoman]] (Aquas). Anglar resembles an anglar fish.
'''Emperor Anglar''' (アングラー皇帝, Angurā Kōtei) is the leader of the [[Anglar]] race, and the primary antagonist of [[Star Fox Command]] attacking [[Corneria]] shortly after the [[Aparoid]]s were destroyed. Originating on [[Venom]], he appears as a final boss for several missions, and pilots a large serpent-like creature. In some of the final missions, he becomes a very large angler fish, capable of taking the player's ship into his mouth. His four cronies are Zako (Corneria), [[Zazan]] (Corneria), Zoldge (Solar), and [[Octoman]] (Aquas). Anglar resembles an anglar fish.
During the first phase, against the Arrow Head, you have to blast it away section by section, similar to a King Dodora. You can only hit it when it is on your floor, and you cannot switch floors. Once all sections are damaged, the parts will align themselves tic-tac-toe style and attempt to ram you. You can block it by shooting them or rolling. This ends when the head is destroyed. The Emperor will flee into the Venom Depths, and you will fight him "on rails" without a time limit.
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